Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cathy's-Meskill and Dodge

Meskill, C. (2005). Triadic scaffolds: Tools for teaching English language learners with computers. Language Learning and Technology, 46-59.

Computer-supported communication discourse through triadic scaffolding- teacher, student, and computer- is examined in this article written by Carla Meskill. The teacher recounts her experiences in language acquisition, particularly in forms and functions, with early learners of English.

This article makes me wonder about our Yup’ik students who use computers at our school under the instruction of our ELD or English Language Development teacher. I’m pretty sure that similar accounts of language discourse occur but to what extent or whether an awareness of intrinsic language learning occurs during the process. At the same time, the article gives me ideas about using computers to focus on form with my students. I’m sure, as the article mentioned, that students would learn to notice those forms of language we sometimes have trouble with. (Consciousness raising).

Dodge, B. (2008). Some thought about webquests. Website: webquests.html.

This website page was written in l995 by Bernie Dodge about WebQuests. Definitions and critical attributes for activities as well as examples and design steps are given on the site.

As stated by the author, this website is preserved for the sake of earliest thoughts and ideas about WebQuests. As I was reading the page some thoughts that came into my mind were: This writing has words that denote opinions about what should go into WebQuests. (And I’m thinking…I’m sure there’s now other ways as new technology develop.) And in just a short time, I’m sure new technology brings new ways of doing and thinking in terms of how teachers, students, and others use technology to make meaning suitable to their own ways. (I hope this makes sense.)

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